Inventor of a water-powered car died at restaurant, shouting “They poisoned me”


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Have you ever heard of Stanley Meyer, creator of the water fuel cell? If so, you will likely know that although he claimed to have invented a “perpetual motion machine,” in 1996 an Ohio court found his claims to be fraudulent.

Meyer claimed that an automobile fixed with his fuel cell device could use water instead of gasoline; essentially the cell could split water into its basic component elements, oxygen and hydrogen (which burned to generate energy, in a process that reconstituted the water molecules), violating the first and second scientific laws of thermodynamics.

(In the video below, Meyer demonstrated his water fuel cell on a dune buggy.)

“It was also alleged to involve ‘Brown’s gas,’ a substance that has kind of gathered a cult following, a mixture of oxyhydrogen with a radio of 2:1, the same composition of liquid water, which according to Wikipedia, ‘which would then be mixed with ambient air (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, chloroflourocarbons, free radicals/electrons, radiation, among others).’

Academic journals were published, in Nature, about Meyer’s claims amounting to pseudoscience. The report said ‘It’s not easy to establish how Meyer’s car was meant to work, except that it involved a fuel cell that was able to split water using less energy than was released by recombination of the elements … Crusaders against pseudoscience can rant and rave as much as they like, but in the end they might as well accept that the myth of water as a fuel is never going to go away.’”1

In 1998, while eating in a restaurant with two Belgian investors, Meyer’s suddenly died. According to his brother, during the meal, he suddenly stood up, ran outside, and shouted: “They poisoned me!”

What did he really know? We may never know. If Meyer’s invention would have allowed us to travel from New York to Los Angeles on only 22 gallons of water, maybe there was a good reason to keep him quiet.

People may call us conspiracy theorists but as always my only goal is to educate the public by giving them access to things the mainstream doesn’t always want them to see. What you do with this information is up to you.